Today, I live under the ghosts of guilt. I build a wall to
defend myself through bricks of art, recognitions, and all the lavishness I
apparently have. Yes, I have a family who supports me 1000%. Yes, my art will
be exhibited in Paris and Melbourne in the near future. Yes, my career is going
well. Yes, I have so many things to be proud of. I believe that this part of
me, the part of me that lives and always strives to be the best is my
superpower. My supernatural powers are my capabilities to withstand hatred with
my remedies. To have my head in the clouds with a soothing spell of redemption,
of knowing that I’ve made it to the higher ground. Throughout, I am capable of
skills and tricks other people aren’t gifted with, and of course, everything
comes with a price.
I’ve learnt coming of age the hard way. I knew I had to say
goodbye, I knew I had to leave my past behind. I just never imagined it on
resulting this way. When you are seemingly punished for all the things you’ve
done, with it’s reasoning left untouched, but you’re instead thrown guilty
rocks at. When you’re burnt at the stake like a Salem witch. Judged for the
things they don’t understand.
We’re not forever. You’re not the one.
Today I rise, through the Vitalum Vitalis of my craft.
Rising from the ashes to a timebomb of my own, waiting to explode to a spectrum
of art on the higher ground. A dispersal of seeds of everything I’ve been
through, of my journey translated into a portfolio reaching it’s ways to the
best features ever. We could be the best thing ever. But now I guess it’s left
with me and my art. It’s my moment to perform the seven wonders, to call upon
this trial and lit all the candles and apparently, show shine in my own spark.
Nadia Nathania’s version of this post asks a question that
leaves me thinking, “how does it feel like to be powerful yet feared, and due
to that, punished? “. What does it feel like to constantly migrate with
broomsticks, to conduct pyrokinesis, or to simply lure mankind into believing
in things you demand them to believe in. How does it feel like to truly be
powerful to the state where those who don’t understand view it as evil?. What
does it feel like to think, breathe, and act like a hybrid, like a creature
unlike men. What does it feel like to grow trees from your mind?.
Then I fall
I fall
I fall
I am not misunderstood, I simply was never meant to fit in
inside a fragile society. In a society where I am seen as a threat, where
people confess their jealousy to me, and where I grow insecurity out of the
stability around me. I am a motion being, I need to breathe the same air as
those who are constantly on the run. Apparently, those who don’t only dream,
but those who actually live their dreams.
I confess my mistakes, dear Lord, for treachery, lies, and
So if it comes to a point where I burn down portions
out of my life, where it comes to a point where I am seen as a villain, where I
can’t migrate in long ocean rides or midnight swims. Where I don’t communicate
with those I call dear. Where I can’t use my superpowers to be a part of their
I would never, ever, ever, let that define who I truly am.
Yes, I learned my mistakes. But who are you to demand me
all the things I stick my heart to. There’s a difference between believing in
yourself and being completely selfish. Believe it or not, sometimes I don’t
really know the lines. But it comes to a point where today, I am no longer like
I’ve even actually been great.
So strange.
You can’t fight the friction
So I chose to not be a material of resistance.
When your feet don’t touch the ground. That is where I float
right now. I am a living proof that I’ve lived another day. I drift in my own
empty sea. I am in my own control. And it’s okay to be misunderstood but it’s a
whole lot better setting where you feel safe of being who you are. You do not
need beautiful memories corrupting your life. Your future lingers as a state
that awaits for you. So instead of living in the past, simply, live for the
future. Fight your way up to the top.
Salem’s Supreme appeals to those who surrounds themself in
guilt today. Whatever you are, make sure you’re aiming your way to the very
best. If you’re a witch, be a supreme. Even if that means you’ll have to get
burnt at the stake. Succeed or die trying. Be a warrior. Never ever settle for
the second best. Break free, don’t let anything hold you down. Only you can
destroy yourself.
Hey Unions!
So glad to finally be posting again. My recent projects are making me feel fine as hell. I'm so glad on how my progress just keeps growing every year. So how've you been? I've got a lot of exciting news in the upcoming months ahead!. So hows life for all of you? Do leave a comment on your thoughts on the portfolio above.
See you!

Salem's Supreme
Photographed by Reinhardt Kenneth
Model. Nicole King
Stylist/Assistant/Make Up Artist. Nadia Nathania
Blonde Wig. Shelley Sebastian
Hey Unions!
So glad to finally be posting again. My recent projects are making me feel fine as hell. I'm so glad on how my progress just keeps growing every year. So how've you been? I've got a lot of exciting news in the upcoming months ahead!. So hows life for all of you? Do leave a comment on your thoughts on the portfolio above.
See you!

Salem's Supreme
Photographed by Reinhardt Kenneth
Model. Nicole King
Stylist/Assistant/Make Up Artist. Nadia Nathania
Blonde Wig. Shelley Sebastian