Saturday, November 10, 2012


Through embroideries, a geisha lies within, a modern one. Within her, she sleeps and dreams of nothing more but a diffusive heart line, whereas baroque comes within nothing more or less than asian embroideries. her tears are rather darker than crimson, but rather invisible after lipstick. Vanity lies within, she needs her ancestry, but also the art of the victorian. A RACE THROUGH HEARTLINES.

A fusion of two different cultures, lying in the same world, both bearing love, hate, and beauty. An implementation of colors, reaching pitches between lips and hearts, yellow, red, faint teal, all racing in the sky, sweetly reaching the core pulled down by gravity.

Somehow, floral visions mark a vision of one and another, and the oriental love marks another race of human beings, like faith and fate, they lie between the back of our eyes and blood streams, running like butterflies down our tummies and segmented hands, as sweet as plum sugar and cotton candy, like embroidery and the stars under the blue and red flag. Like how i wish I saw it, but I don't, the races of wagons and phoenix, against visions of hydra, and sirens, they come together, visibly like a vision of a new fusion, a creature. Fashion, Ancestry, Love, Art, and Passion.

I believe our ancestry are meant to be, it holds a certain point of love onto it, a love for a community you are forced to be, having severely their own culture, but in the end, it is in our human nature to never feel satisfied enough. We hold a power towards something everyone who doesn't have that certain power some of us posses wants to posses, needs to. We are always exposed onto love, but we will never ever accept the love towards the culture severely, as much as loving something we will never have.

"Like salt, it is bonded through crystals and particles of water, an atom of each, combined and planted deep inside love, deep inside an embroidered, anorexic heart, dipping through red, yellow, and faint teal"

I believe that inside every soul, lies the romance, the romance of the heartline, whereas red meets yellow, where red is when someone belonging to the East, a culture of ancestry morals, carved onto the fear of country, against yellow, belonging to the West, a culture of liberation, a culture of freedom and boundless imagery carved like princesses. Like the Sun and the Moon they will never shine together, but both shines as beautiful as they are. The forbidden romance.

But then, wouldn't the drama rage up if the romance is inside our state of mind, running, dancing through our bloodstreams and DNAs, like atoms of pigments, pigments of love, pigments of the misunderstanding of one concept, growing onto a controversy of the word forbidden itself. Like a bird leaving it's nest,a rebellion, towards a fusion. A beautiful disaster, in the end.

Like embroidery, lace was then invented, veiling the embroidery of heartlines throughout the heart. Everything goes back together as one because they come from the same ancestors, through the creation of the loving God and a growth through mother nature. They all are one but somehow bonded onto several. Like particles of monochrome, painted with love in visions under the bright heartlines.

Like a wildflower blooming under the winter, it decays beautifully, the beauty of the heartlines decays onto someone's state of mind, so that it's living essence implements their whole live, both morals and religion being diffused onto one single, particle, as strong as love, a particle of her. Like vines of grapes, they grow to create this rich colored fruit, violet, which stands for seduction and the womb, a vision of girl power, The grape vine, the wild flower.

Like voices of bells under spring, eyes smile through the vision again, they simply reinvent through culture, with horses running through dragons, like golden beads of prosperity under the liberation of the stars beyond blue and red. Beyond the Eye of Love. Luck implements it's color right away, like another shade, a new embroidery, a new reinvention.

Howling through someone's state of believing, through someone's state of hope, in the end everything is just worth it. It is worth love itself, like dancing and tingling memories, of particles as a fusion. As West and East go together, as the world diffuse onto one continent, speaking of love, peace, and freedom, with qualities of morals. A beautiful feminism, a beautiful oriental wildflower dancing like the flag of the state. Everything is alright throughout it, like shades of innocence. The Oriental Heartlines running throughout us, like strands of love and a passionate imagery.

PhotoVogue Features-
Oriental Heartlines
Oriental Heartlines

PAR.Reinhardt Kenneth
Model.Diana Putri
Wardrobe.Diana Couture
Hair Stylist/MUA.Diana Putri
Backstage .Dawi, Khasmi

"Beauty is found in all sort of ways, but beauty will never be satisfied, beauty is NEVER prefect, beauty is the difference carved through flaws, beauty is inside out heartlines. Red, Yellow, Faint Teal"



  1. SUPERB PHOTOS! You're getting awesomer and awesomer! <3

  2. the beauty/sublime of the photography and the words transfers me into a newer state of resurrection, merci

    1. merci for all the beauty shattered through your words, you are a doll to my candy heart

  3. The photography work here is amazing and the colours and prints are gorgeous!

  4. Oh wow, did you do this? Super cool Reinhardt, I'm impressed and so wow-ed to see your work! Bravo! Love the photographic layouts and proportions, well thought-out and tastefully edited as always. In case you didn't see my replied comment, I wrote that I'm not living in Paris, though I might next year for some time, I'm living in London; and I'm not half filipino, I'm chinese. Just out of curiosity, what other half did you think I was? ;P

  5. So stunning!

    Would you like to follow each other? :)


  6. All of those looks were designed by your mom?!
    Love the 9th pict ken

  7. Wow, these are so beautiful! I just can't. Your mum is so talented!! She's an artist. Wow.

  8. "Beauty is found in all sort of ways, but beauty will never be satisfied, beauty is NEVER prefect, beauty is the difference carved through flaws, beauty is inside out heartlines. Red, Yellow, Faint Teal"...I absolutely agree, with this statement...perfection boring, and simply annoying...Amazing production, like usual, but this one more bright and bold, Love shows thought this one!
    I'm so glad to visit your blog, it always makes me have an interesting time!
    I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!
    A big hug!


    1. very, very annoying Ines, it is a part of our heartlines to stay imperfect, as this rebel to the beauty statement, to make it simply beautiful. thank you, doll<3

  9. The photographs are stunning! I am in love!
    Definitely following you now.
    Also, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog <3


  10. Whoa I LOVE it, great job, Reinhardt!!

  11. I love them so much, You are soo coool :)

  12. So, Reinhardt...your mom is beautiful and she owns a boutique? And, she got a talented son to photograph her creations? What a wonderful pair! xD
    As always, I always adore your photographs :3

    Btw, too bad we cannot meet :(
    I think i was in front of the stage, soalnya seharian aku di booth tapi setelah ada band performance aku pindah ke depan panggung.
    Padahal, aku sudah siapkan gift buat kamu ._. ,maybe later yah..


    1. nope, she is a fashion designer who owns a made-by-appointment couture line. not all, but mostly yes. Thank you kak. yahhh too bad kita ga bertemu:( next time deh:)

  13. thanks for your comment. you are doing a great job


  14. Hiya Reinhardt, thanks for commenting on my outfit again. I'm not mixed race, though I've been asked a few times before, I'm Chinese, born in the US, so I'm Chinese American :) what a coincidence we both have Chinese heritage in us! :D

  15. These photos are amazing! I love the colors and the handbags!

  16. omgggg! loving every little details of the photos <3 so talented :)

  17. Your blog rocks=-----can't believe it's like reading Vogue! Your shoots are sooo inspiring and gorrrrgeous! WOWOWO! And you are Gorgeous babe! U have the best hair!
    xoThe Beckerman Girls

    1. they say, reach your fashionable dreams to VOgue, well, fortunately two pictures from this shoot made it to vogue, that's my mother doll!

  18. Thank you for your comment on my blog :)
    Wow, this photoshoot is really amazing - I love the combination of colours and prints altogether. Going through this pictures is like going through a really good fashion magazine. Great job!!!

    1. awww thank you so much dear, 2 pictures from this portfolio are published on Italian Vogue<3

  19. Omg, everything is perfect.
    The setting, the clothes, the pics!
    You are doing a very very good job!


  20. Wow,amazing it.*_*


    Loving the whole shooting!
    Loving so much your blog, you're so talented!
    Good job!

    xx from Italy!

  22. Hi sweety, thanks for your brilliant comment...i am in awe of this fabulous photoshoot, the colours, culture and clothes all harmonize beautifully. Great blog!

  23. Love the blog, amazing photos! Your newest follower!

    Hope you can check out mine and we can follow eachother!



  24. thats awesome!
    where did you took those pictures?

  25. Gorgeous photos! the location is fantastic, truly breathtaking! and I can't even say which look I like better. But 100% sure orange Kelly bag is beyond fabulous



    1. thank you, it's for my portfolio, that is why there's plenty of outfits, that's my mum, btw, I photographed it :)

  26. omg kenneth..i'm fanning your mom as always xD
    love her looks and her HERMES!! <33

  27. gosh. she's ur mom?!?! she's even look young! :o I like the way you took photographs of ur mom.. I should say that this is my favorite lookbook/photographs by you! rich of colors, amazing angles, amazing mom as model, and more things that I cant even describe. Great job, Reinhardt! <3

    My Random Thoughts

    1. thank you, miss helena. yeah she is, not my favorite, because the next one is bigger than this<3.
